A Natural-Looking Lift

Most patients I see for breast lifts are women who have lost some of their natural fullness due to weight loss, pregnancy, or the effects of gravity. I want to instill in anyone considering a breast lift in Orlando that there is no shame in the desire to achieve your ideal physical aesthetic, and sometimes, a procedure is the only way this can be attained.

Woman wearing white lingerie

Restoring Your Breasts

Whether you are hoping for lifted, perky, or fuller breasts, your ideal for your breasts is as unique as your breast shape and size. No two bodies are the same. My primary approach in my Orlando plastic surgery practice is an assessment of your individual specific needs. Once I understand what bothers you about your breasts and how you would like your breasts to look, we will review treatment options for accomplishing your goals. It is not uncommon that a breast augmentation is needed with a breast lift as well as a size adjustment of the areola or pigmented skin surrounding the nipple. Together, we will come up with a detailed plan to address your concerns.

My Goal Is to Help You Feel Great About Your Body

My purpose is to help women feel better about how they see themselves. Body image and self-esteem are, for better or worse, intimately intertwined. For many women, breasts are the single feature that affects how confident they feel about their body. Improved shape and/or position of the breasts is undeniably one of the surest ways for a woman to feel better about the way they look. I am here to do my best to help you look and feel your best.

Breast Lift Method: The Anchor Incision

The anchor incision is my preferred incision method for a breast lift in Orlando. It can be created around the areola and downward toward the breast crease in a vertical line or along the breast crease in a horizontal line. The incision can correct most sagginess issues and is often used for people with severe ptosis (pronounced “TOE-sis” and means drooping) who need the most skin removed.

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Will a Breast Lift Result in Visible Scarring?

I am always specific and direct with my patients about the benefits and compromises of any surgery. I feel it is important to impart that a breast lift will inevitably involve some scar tissue. This is often the trade-off for undergoing a surgical procedure. I take extreme pride in all of my work and utilize every measure and technique possible to minimize scarring: silicone tape and gel, thin buried absorbable sutures, and complimentary CO2 laser care, to name a few. I only mention this because I believe being upfront at the outset will result in the best outcome and realistic expectations for surgery. I want you to feel comfortable and safe when you come to my practice, and I welcome any questions or concerns you have. I make a concerted effort to be gentle with the tissue I’m operating on in the interest of shortened recovery time.

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A Well-Executed Breast Lift Will Be Long-Lasting

The results of a properly prepared and performed breast lift are long-lasting. You will be able to see an immediate change in the appearance of your breasts after your procedure. The shape of your breasts will continue to change and improve over the next few months as the tissue recovers and your breasts settle into place. The end result will be firmer, rounder, and perkier breasts.

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Top 10 Reasons for a Breast Lift

There are many benefits of a breast lift that can bring positive changes in your life:

1. Raise droopy or saggy breasts
2. Fit better in your clothes with a firmer shape
3. Boost your self-esteem
4. Eliminate conditions that create rashes and skin infections
5. Enjoy a more natural and youthful appearance
6. No more limitations during physical activities
7. Experience back pain relief
8. Improve the appearance of your nipple and areola size
9. Enhance the proportions of your body
10. Most importantly, inspire confidence

The Recovery Period

Proper recovery is as important as the procedure itself. Once your procedure is complete, you will be taken to a private recovery room, where your healing will begin. Being that recovery is such an integral part of your results, we provide a post-op regimen with everything you will need to heal as optimally as possible.

Recovery times vary from patient to patient, but generally, you will be able to resume work within two weeks, and you can expect most major healing to occur within two months.

Some things to keep in mind during your recovery are as follows:

  • Avoid strenuous activities for at least one month, including lifting over your head.
  • It is normal to experience some loss of sensation in your nipples and breasts at first, but the feeling commonly returns within six weeks as the swelling subsides.
  • An elastic bandage or support bra can help decrease swelling and support your breasts.
  • Medication can be prescribed for pain relief.
  • Silicone scar gel will be provided to use on your incisions after the first week postOPP.

Our dedicated nurses are at your service around the clock, seven days a week, addressing any questions or concerns throughout your healing journey from our postOPP hotline. Our priority is ensuring your recovery is as comfortable as possible, so please feel free to reach out to us at any time for assistance.

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Am I a candidate for a breast lift?

Are there scars with a breast lift?

What are the risks of a breast lift?

When can I have a breast lift after childbirth?

Am I a candidate for a breast lift?

Any woman in good physical health and who does not smoke is a great candidate for a breast lift. I enjoy meeting new and returning patients and listening to how I can help them achieve their ideal look. The goal is to ensure you understand what a breast lift can do for you and have realistic expectations. For example, a breast lift is an excellent way to address asymmetry between breasts, such as when one breast sits lower than the other. One note: you should wait to have this procedure if you are planning to lose a lot of weight or if you are currently pregnant or planning to have more children.

Are there scars with a breast lift?

Yes. Scars are inevitable with a breast lift. The extent of scarring is contingent upon several factors, most important of which is the care and precision of the doctor performing your surgery. An experienced, precise surgeon is careful only to affect necessary tissues. Done correctly, breast lift scars should fade into thin, white lines in the first couple of years after your surgery.

What are the risks of a breast lift?

There are risks associated with any surgical procedure. As previously mentioned, I am steadfast and uncompromising when it comes to patient safety. We take every precaution possible at our practice to minimize risk. The risks commonly associated with a breast lift are asymmetry, bleeding, infection, scarring, and subtle changes in nipple or breast sensation. Under normal circumstances, complications are rare.

When can I have a breast lift after childbirth?

There is no specific time frame, but it is best to wait at least six months after you stop breastfeeding. The key is for your breasts to no longer be producing any more milk. And you should not be planning to have any more children. We can discuss this topic during your consultation.

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Why Choose Me?

Encouraging women to celebrate their bodies is an honor and a privilege. As a third-generation board-certified plastic surgeon, I approach aesthetic transformations with the heart and dedication of a pediatrician. At Oppenheimer Plastic Surgery, we value delivering an experience that feels safe, comforting, and exceptional in all ways.

Real Patients, Realistic Results

Our mantra of “moms, not models” goes beyond mothers, strictly speaking, and is a commitment to real people—real women seeking realistic results. Women who have given birth or experienced great physical change and are looking to regain their youthful shape and perky breasts deserve to feel good about their bodies. A woman living life to the fullest, with confidence, is worth every ounce of effort I give to each patient. It’s a great reward for helping women become more accepting and confident in their bodies.

Whether you are done having children or ready to make a lifestyle change, I am inspired to make you feel beautiful and confident. I’m passionate about your results and meticulous about every detail. Mastopexy in Orlando at Oppenheimer Plastic Surgery will provide a youthful appearance and renewed self-confidence.

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