Demystifying Clitoral Hood Reduction

Clitoral hood reduction in Orlando removes the folds of tissue from the sides of the top of the vulva. Very often, the labia minora are connected to the extra bands of tissue on each side of the clitoris. In medical textbooks, these folds are often known as a labia reduplication. Sometimes, the clitoral hood tissues are also known as the prepuce. In either case, a clitoral hood reduction brings balance to nearly every single labiaplasty procedure, and so in most cases, I perform a clitoral hood reduction alongside the labiaplasty.

Do I Need a Clitoral Hood Reduction With a Labiaplasty?

Some surgeons will only perform a labiaplasty. In those cases, the labia are reduced, but the upper part of the vulva, namely, the clitoral hood, tissues are too puffy, full, and large. Some women complain about this imbalance, and the prominence in that area can be distressing. For that reason and others, I always recommend that the clitoral hood be evaluated for reduction. 

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Delicate Tissue Removal for Proportionate, Sensational Results

In the procedure, I take great care to skillfully remove excess tissue from the clitoral hood, concentrating on the sides and maintaining a safe distance from the clitoris. This precise adjustment is crucial for achieving a balanced and proportionate appearance while addressing any connected folds, ultimately enhancing the overall aesthetic outcome. 

Obviously, the main concern about reducing the clitoral hood is the concern about loss of sensation. But again, because the hood tissues are really removed only along the sides and far away from the clitoris itself, I have never experienced any patients having decreased sensation or problems with orgasm after my labiaplasty with the clitoral hood reduction technique in Orlando. My approach is meticulous and specifically designed to eliminate any potential impact on sensitivity.

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What Happens if the Clitoral Hood Isn’t Reduced?

If the clitoral hood isn't reduced, the upper part of the vagina may protrude more, creating a more noticeable prominence. Some women have likened this to the appearance of a "small penis," which, of course, is not the desired outcome. The aim of a labiaplasty is to achieve a harmonious and balanced appearance across the top, middle, and bottom portions of the vulva – essentially, the outward-appearing vagina. Ideally, no single area should protrude more than the others.

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Combining Perineoplasty and Vaginal Tightening With Hood Reduction

In certain instances, a perineoplasty may be combined with a labiaplasty and hood reduction. The perineum, the area between the anus and vagina, can also be a source of prominence in some women. To achieve a well-proportioned look, tissue may need to be removed from this area as well. The goal is always to create a balanced and aesthetically pleasing result that aligns with your individual preferences and goals. Some tightening is possible with this approach.

The Clitoral Hood Reduction Recovery

Let's talk about what you can expect during your recovery. You might experience some mild discomfort, swelling, and perhaps a bit of bruising. The good news is that these effects are temporary, and with the right post-operative care and lots of ice, we can make sure your recovery is as smooth as possible. I recommend taking it easy during the initial weeks—no heavy lifting or strenuous activities. This will not only help with optimal healing but also minimize the chances of any potential complications. It's all about giving your body the time and care it needs to bounce back beautifully. I'll be here every step of the way to guide you through the process and ensure you're feeling your best.

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Why Choose Me?

At Oppenheimer Plastic Surgery in Orlando, FL, you're entrusting your care to a highly skilled surgeon who prioritizes your well-being. Prior to your clitoral hood reduction surgery, I meticulously review every detail, visualizing the procedure to ensure optimal results. I believe in a gentle approach, not only because it feels right but also because it plays a significant role in your healing process.

Each day, I am driven by the fulfillment that comes from helping women transform their bodies and achieve greater confidence. Recognizing the limitations in existing instruments for labiaplasty and hood reduction procedures, I took the initiative and developed a patented instrument. This innovation has been shared with a national surgical instrument distributor, benefiting surgeons and patients globally.

My commitment is simple—I'm here to offer my absolute best so that you can be your best, nothing more and nothing less. Your comfort, satisfaction, and well-being are at the forefront of my practice, and I'm dedicated to ensuring your journey is not only successful but also as comfortable and transformative as possible. As your dedicated healthcare advocate, I care about your safety, comfort, and aesthetic satisfaction. 

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Mastering the Details of Female Anatomy

I’m always very grateful for the trust the patients have in me, and I spend a large amount of time studying the anatomy of each of my patients, as well as the female anatomy as a whole, and have a deep understanding of the path of the potential nerves in the perineum. This allows me to safely create the appropriate balance and contour to the vulva and achieve a “tucked-in” look without the additional folds that very often get in the way of clothing, exercise, intercourse, and life! Schedule your consultation in Orlando today and discover the liberation that awaits with clitoral hood reduction surgery.

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