Sculpting Your Dream Body

The choice to sculpt your contours to reflect your inner essence is a courageous one. At Oppenheimer Plastic Surgery, we celebrate your journey and do everything we can to help you achieve results that will make your heart sing when you look in the mirror. As your surgeon, I am committed to providing gentle, compassionate care, meticulous attention to all the details, and a safe space for your dreams to unfold. 

What Is Liposuction?

​Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that removes excess fat from your body, reshaping the area or the entire body. The result is better contours and even proportions. Liposuction isn’t for weight loss but rather to contour and remove stubborn fat pockets from trouble areas. Everybody has them—unless you get liposuction. Then, well, you used to have them.

Choosing Your Lipo Surgeon

​Achieving smooth curves post-liposuction isn't solely about lymphatic massage or compression garments—it's an artful process led by the surgeon. You should stress about your choice of surgeon. After that, I will take care of the rest. I count how much time I spend on each side of the body to make it even. To make it precise, I count how much fat I remove from each area. Most importantly, I am delicate, gentle, and careful so that you get the best liposuction Orlando can give you, smooth and even. I worry about all of the things you worry about, too.

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Woman posing in white leotard

Transforming Nearly Any Area of the Body 

I can do liposuction to change your shape in many areas in Orlando. Some areas are subtle, such as the inner thighs or the arms. Other areas are more dramatic: the flanks (love handles) and the abdomen (tummy). Taken together, this “Lipo360” is a total game changer. This is the procedure that can most dramatically change your figure. However, liposuction can be performed anywhere: arms, back, buttocks, knees, double chin, chest, hips, and thighs.

Women’s most frequently treated areas are the stomach, flanks, and back. 

Liposuction Can Be Combined With Other Procedures

Most commonly, I perform liposuction as a core component of a tummy tuck and mommy makeover. By accentuating the curves of a tummy tuck with liposuction, I can really maximize femininity by shaping the body just right.

We can “throw away” the fat or add it back to the hips and buttocks in a procedure commonly known as a BBL. A Brazilian butt lift can be large or small. It can be just filling in the hip dips or adding volume, shape, and projection to the entire buttock.

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Deep Plane Liposuction Is Key

​The best method for liposuction in Orlando is the one where the doctor is hyper-meticulous about how the fat is removed. There is a superficial and a deep layer of fat throughout the body. The contours will always be smooth if the doctor removes the deep layer only—and evenly. That’s the trick. When superficial liposuction is performed, you won’t get the best liposuction Orlando offers; the result is lumpy, bumpy, and obvious. There is supposed to be a little fat on the body. When there is no fat—just skin—things look strange. Deep liposuction is the key to making it look natural.

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Power-Assisted Lipo Removes Fat Gently for Smooth Results

There are many different liposuction techniques that only confuse the educational process. The summary slide is that the power-assisted liposuction method is the one that I use and the one that the greatest experts use for liposuction. This method is like an Oral-B toothbrush: gently vibrating the fat before suctioning to allow for even fat removal in the gentlest possible way.

Some Orlando liposuction surgeons use other instruments like Vaser, Smart-Lipo, and J-Plasma to add heat energy to the skin and fat. This causes scarring and fibrosis, firmness, and stiffness of the skin, which should remain smooth and supple. The key instrument that I use is a vibrating cannula. A cannula is a thin tube that is inserted through the tiny incisions to suction the fat.

Does Liposuction Tighten the Skin?

While skin tightening is sometimes the result of liposuction, that really depends mostly on your skin elasticity. Some patients have elastic skin. Others (those who have lost weight or those who are older) have less elasticity. In these cases, skin may need to be removed, as with a tummy tuck.

The decision to have a tummy tuck or “just lipo” is one that we make together. If you have had children, already have a C-section scar, and want the flattest tummy possible, then a tummy tuck with muscle repair is a good idea. If, however, you are OK with a little loose skin, don’t have any scars, and your muscle is not separated (diastasis recti), then lipo in Orlando at Oppenheimer Plastic Surgery is the way to go.

shirtless woman's back with her arms raised up above her head

Liposuction Incision Techniques

The incisions I make for liposuction are always small and inconspicuous. The goal is to hide the small, fingernail-sized scars within bikini areas and to make them as small as possible. Most frequently, all of the lipo can be done with the following incisions:

  • The belly button
  • The front groin crease inside the bikini
  • The “thong” area above each buttock and in the buttock crease in the midline
  • The elbow areas
  • The inner thigh crease
  • The armpit or bra bulge
  • The chin crease (for double chin)

Liposuction and BBL

Lipo 360 & BBL is THE way to contour and “snatch” the waist. It’s a “push-pull” procedure that pulls out fat from unwanted areas and pushes it to the hips and buttocks. The key, however, isn’t how much fat you can inject into the buttock, but rather reshaping the waist. While some of the fat does dissolve over the first year, the real trick of a great BBL lies in the liposuction and narrowing of the waist in order to create the ideal waist-to-hip ratio. Once the waist is brought in, the hips can be widened, and fat can be added to the buttock to increase projection. To learn more about my Brazilian butt lift procedure, click HERE.

Liposuction Can Create a Refined Jawline

Many patients want a more naturally sculpted and refined appearance in the face and neck, befitting their age and physical fitness. I can help shape the contour of your face, jawline, and neck to enhance your individual beauty. A double chin is only cute on babies. With two tiny “vampire” incisions under the chin crease, a refined and smooth jawline is easily achievable.

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Top 10 Reasons for Liposuction

There are many reasons why getting a liposuction treatment can transform your life, such as the following:

  1. Addressing fullness in the neck
  2. Enhancing a poorly defined or “weak” jawline
  3. Improving the shape and contour of your body
  4. Creating a slim waistline
  1. Boosting self-esteem and self-confidence
  2. Eliminating areas of stubborn fat
  3. Inspiring a healthy diet and exercise regimen
  4. Giving you a more proportional and slimmer appearance
  5. Treating lipodystrophy (abnormal fat pockets)
  6. Looking and feeling more youthful

The Recovery Period

I care for all my patients before, during, and after surgery. A proper recovery is as important as the procedure itself. If you follow my recommendations, you will have an effective recovery en route to a new you. Most patients return to work within a few days after liposuction, depending on the nature of their work. Overall, the majority of your recovery will take two to three weeks.

At my clinic, we have a nurse available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for any questions or concerns that may come up after your liposuction. Do not hesitate to contact us if you experience any unusual problems or even just have questions about your healing. You should stress about your choice of surgeon. After that, I will take care of the rest.

​Here are some things to keep in mind during your recovery:

  • You may have drains placed that we will remove within a few days.
  • You may experience moderate pain and discomfort, and pain meds will be prescribed.
  • Wearing compression garments can help minimize swelling; we will provide these for you.
  • Limit any major activities for at least a week.
  • Avoid any strenuous exercise for at least two weeks.
  • Avoid using ibuprofen or any other blood-thinning drugs which increase the risk of bleeding and swelling.
  • Make sure to get plenty of rest.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
  • Some fruits like apples and pineapples are high in bromelain and quercetin, anti-inflammatory foods that can decrease swelling.
  • Bruising and swelling can take a few weeks to heal fully.
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Liposuction FAQ

Am I a candidate for liposuction?

How much fat can liposuction take out?

Is there scarring with liposuction?

​When can I exercise after liposuction?

Am I a candidate for liposuction?

Any person in good physical health, who does not smoke, and who is at an ideal weight (BMI <30) is a good candidate for liposuction. You should have firm, elastic skin and good muscle tone that underlies an area planned for this procedure.

How much fat can liposuction take out?

Different factors will influence how much fat can be removed. Keep in mind that liposuction is not a weight-loss treatment. Generally, up to four liters (4000cc) can be removed with a single liposuction procedure. (A two-liter bottle of soda is a good reference point here.)

Is there scarring with liposuction?

Yes, but it will be minimal. Since the cannula is a small instrument, it only requires a very small incision, which helps lessen the appearance of scars. Hiding the scars in a garment area is an added benefit. In ALL liposuction cases, the scars will be hidden in a natural crease or fold. The belly button can be used for the abdomen, the elbow for under the arms, and the chin crease for the neckline.

​When can I exercise after liposuction?

Liposuction is a common procedure, and you will be encouraged to go for a walk on the day after your surgery to help promote healing. Depending on your current health, you should be able to engage in mild exercises within a few days and return to your regular routine between one to two weeks.

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Why Choose Me?

Whether you desire subtle curves or a dramatic transformation, your goals align with mine. Encouraging women to embrace their bodies and foster confidence is not just a job for me—it's a privilege and an honor. Combining the compassionate approach of a pediatrician with the expertise of a third-generation plastic surgeon, I'm dedicated to delivering a safe, gold-standard aesthetic transformation in Orlando, FL. At Oppenheimer Plastic Surgery, you experience meticulous and all-inclusive care from a team devoted to helping you feel and look your best. 

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