The Ultimate Self-Care

If you’re reading this page, you’ve taken a courageous step toward reclaiming a sense of confidence, comfort, and connection with your own body. Life experiences, such as childbirth or natural aging, can bring about changes, and seeking vaginal rejuvenation is an empowering step toward self-care. I celebrate you for aligning with your inner self, embracing your sensuality, and prioritizing your physical and emotional comfort. Thank you for trusting me to help you feel a renewed sense of well-being and pleasure with vaginal rejuvenation in Orlando

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VaJaser: Painless Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation

The VaJaser is an FDA-approved laser that is inserted into the vaginal canal. During a 10-minute—painless—treatment, the lining of the vagina is stimulated by laser energy. This leads to a healthy, new mucosal lining that produces more lubrication for increased comfort during sex. In addition, both the urethra AND the vagina are stimulated by the laser's energy, providing less urine leakage and a tightening effect.

How Does the VaJaser Work?

CO2 Lasers have been used in the medical field for decades. Only recently have developments allowed for the laser to be used inside the vagina for vaginal rejuvenation. The CO2 laser targets water inside of the cells that line the inside of the vagina. By gently heating these cells, a micro-injury occurs, which then stimulates the body's own collagen to form. The VaJaser also stimulates the mucosal cells to produce more mucus, thus increasing the vagina's natural ability to lubricate itself during sex.

What *Exactly* Does the VaJaser Do?

The VaJaser is a vaginal laser that gently heats the vaginal mucosa. By inserting a small laser probe into the vagina, the vaginal rejuvenation laser can create a controlled micro-injury to the vaginal wall, allowing new collagen to form and thus promoting a tightening effect. By tightening the vagina, the urethra is also made smaller, and this reduces urinary leakage (urinary incontinence). In addition, the mucus-producing cells of the vagina are stimulated, creating more moisture, which helps produce natural lubrication during sex. "Better living through technology," as they say.

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Does It Really Work?

If you're not happy, we're not happy. We would NEVER expose our patients to any procedure unless we were confident there would be a true benefit to you. We worked with one of the leading laser companies to create a safe and effective laser. Most of our patients notice increased lubrication within DAYS of the procedure. These are life-changing results.

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Conditions the VaJaser Addresses

Vaginal Dryness

Of all its benefits, the VaJaser is BEST at correcting vaginal dryness related to menopause or hypoactive sexual desire. The CO2 laser creates micro-injuries to the vaginal mucosa, which stimulates the development of healthy new mucous-producing cells. This increases mucus production and allows for more lubrication during sex!

Vaginal Laxity

The VaJaser can correct a mild degree of vaginal looseness or vaginal laxity. The VaJaser is ideal for women who don't quite feel as tight as they used to, for patients who have experienced a mild (1st degree) perineal tear, and for those with a history of a well-healed episiotomy. In women who have prolapse, or more severe vaginal looseness, a vaginoplasty is a better option.

Urinary Incontinence or Leaking

If your urinary incontinence is mild stress urinary incontinence (meaning that you leak a small amount of urine only when you cough, sneeze, or laugh), then the VaJaser is VERY likely to help you. The VaJaser works by tightening the tissues within the vagina, including those around the urethral canal. If, however, you have a prolapse or a cystocele, or if your incontinence is more severe, you may need additional surgical procedures for correction.

Episiotomy and Tearing

Depending on the severity of your perineal tear or how well your episiotomy healed, you may be a better candidate for a vaginoplasty and perineoplasty surgery. In general, patients who have had a mild perineal injury or a well-healed episiotomy that just doesn't feel quite as tight as they used to are the BEST candidates for the VaJaser: painless laser vaginal rejuvenation. 

Difficulty Achieving Orgasm

In many cases, this will help women to feel more comfortable and more confident during sexual intercourse. That confidence alone is oftentimes enough to overcome issues with sexual desire and orgasm. Unlike the male sexual response (which is almost purely physical), the female sexual response is more complex and is a combination of physical and emotional considerations that are often intertwined. By correcting vaginal dryness, for one, intimacy can become less painful and more enjoyable. That's a great first step to an orgasm!

Vaginal Abnormality

There is very rarely an "abnormal vagina." We are all made differently, and that's OK! The amount of variation between female (and male) anatomy is dramatic! If you are concerned about the appearance of your vagina, you may be a better candidate for a labiaplasty or other aesthetic procedure. The VaJaser: painless laser vaginal rejuvenation is directed at functional issues.

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Am I a Candidate for the VaJaser?

There are three types of patients who are candidates for the VaJaser: painless laser vaginal rejuvenation procedure. The patients who experience the most positive results are those who complain of vaginal dryness. By gently heating the mucosal cells in the vaginal canal, the VaJaser is able to help them produce more mucous and more moisture during sexual intercourse. Patients who experience mild stress urinary incontinence, or leaking of urine when coughing or sneezing, are also candidates for the VaJaser. The VaJaser gently stimulates the deeper tissues of the vaginal canal adjacent to the urethra, thus shrinking these tissues and tightening the urethral opening. This means less urine leakage! If you are experiencing any active infections of the vagina or urinary tract, it is best to wait until these are fully resolved before you seek a treatment like the VaJaser. Patients who have mild vaginal laxity, or vaginal looseness, are also good candidates. The laser vaginal rejuvenation procedure causes stimulation to the vaginal walls, thus producing a tightening effect.  

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What Is the Consult Like?

Your visit with me is VERY UNLIKE a visit to the GYN! There are NO SPECULUMS, and the exam is a very brief 3-5 seconds! Most of the important parts are your personal history. I will be asking questions about the following:

  • Vaginal deliveries and childbirth injuries
  • Feelings of vaginal looseness 
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Urine leakage

And that's about it! Very simple, very easy! I know this is inherently uncomfortable, so I will make it as simple as possible for you to have a brief history and exam in our private Orlando clinic.

I'm Embarrassed to Have an Exam! What Now?

I am a nurse practitioner who can do the entire exam and treatment, so this is a female-only process. Most of the decision-making around the VaJaser treatment has more to do with your history than your exam. This means we can just talk it through and decide if the VaJaser is your best option. Don't stress. We can make this very easy for you. Promise!

How Long Does the VaJaser Procedure Take?

Surprisingly, the VaJaser procedure takes only minutes. A small laser is inserted into the vagina, and pulses of gentle heat energy are delivered to the vaginal canal. The total laser vaginal rejuvenation procedure takes about 8-10 minutes, and there is a series of three treatments that are one month apart, with a maintenance treatment at one year.

Does the VaJaser Hurt?

It may seem hard to believe, but the VaJaser is nearly painless. Surprisingly, there are very few nerve endings within the vaginal canal. Most of the sensation is at the introitus (the opening), the clitoris, and the cervix (the end of the vaginal canal). By treating the canal and avoiding these other sensitive areas, the VaJaser is able to create a painless vaginal rejuvenation. Most women report the mildest warm sensation during treatment. When treating the very edge of the urethral and vaginal openings, there may be the slightest pinching feeling that may last for only a second.

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Vaginal Rejuvenation FAQ

Is the VaJaser FDA-approved?

Do I need numbing medicine or anesthesia?

How many VaJaser treatments do I need?

Who performs the procedure?

How do I schedule an appointment?

Where is the VaJaser offered?

Are there other options for non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation?

How much does the VaJaser cost?

Do I have to pay upfront? Is there financing?

Is the VaJaser FDA-approved?

Yes! The VaJaser is FDA-approved! We only believe in the best and safest vaginal rejuvenation treatments for our patients.

Do I need numbing medicine or anesthesia?

No! The VaJaser does not require numbing medicine or any anesthesia! Because there are so few nerve endings within the vaginal canal itself, the procedure only feels mildly warm. Occasionally, when the treatment is delivered close to the cervix, there can be a very mild cramping sensation. Similarly, when the laser vaginal rejuvenation treatment is brought closer to the vaginal opening, there can be a mild pinching sensation. I understand these areas are very sensitive, and I have a gentle touch!

How many VaJaser treatments do I need?

The standard protocol is three treatments spaced one month apart. I also offer a one-year follow-up treatment.

Who performs the procedure?

The VaJaser is performed by me, the dedicated nurse practitioner in our Orlando clinic. I understand that this topic is uncomfortable and often seen as taboo. NO ONE wants to talk about this, and that examinations and treatments are awkward by definition. Fortunately, by being nice, respectful, and gentle, we can overcome these issues and help you move on to other life goals!

How do I schedule an appointment?

You can start with the consult link HERE. We'll get back to you within 24-48 hours!

Where is the VaJaser offered?

The VaJaser: painless laser vaginal rejuvenation is currently only offered at two locations: Dr. Oppenheimer's Orlando, Florida office, where he specializes in plastic and reconstructive surgery, with a focus on functional and aesthetic surgery of the vagina, and Dr. Shatkin's Buffalo, NY office.

Are there other options for non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation?

Diva, MonaLisa Touch, and FemiLift all use the same CO2 laser technology as the VaJaser. ThermiVa is a radiofrequency heating device that uses heat to achieve similar results. All devices are FDA-approved.

How much does the VaJaser cost?

Our price list is published HERE. We just ask for your contact information first and then forward you directly to the pricing page. We offer financing and payment plans to make this as easy as possible. Our goal is your happiness with your vaginal rejuvenation!

Do I have to pay upfront? Is there financing?

We can accommodate many different options for payment plans and financing. We're always available by phone: (407) 707-6905. You can also apply for financing before your consult on our pricing page.

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The Recovery Period

The VaJaser treatment is truly painless, and the recovery is immediate. You may experience some blood-tinged vaginal discharge after the procedure, but this is to be expected and lasts only a few days. There's no downtime, no pain, and no real special considerations following treatment. You can go back to your everyday life ASAP! I generally recommend that you avoid intercourse for the first 48 hours, but that is not a hard and fast rule. 

When Can I Have Sex?

The VaJaser: painless laser vaginal rejuvenation has almost ZERO DOWNTIME. That includes sexual intercourse. I recommend about 48 hours without sex after the treatment, but that is not a hard and fast rule. Listen to your body, in general, is always a good policy. 

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When Will I See the Results of My VaJaser Treatment?

The first results you will see in a matter of days with more wetness and moisture during stimulation and intercourse. The complete treatment is a series of three treatments one month apart, so it will take 4-6 months to experience the full effects.

For most women, this includes the following:

  • Increased moisture
  • Less urine leakage
  • Increased vaginal tightness

Why Choose Me?

As your nurse practitioner and laser expert, I'm here to provide a comforting experience crafted just for you. VaJaser celebrates your intimate life by helping you recover your pleasure and self-assurance. With a meticulous and gentle approach, I prioritize your comfort and well-being. Dr. Oppenheimer's philosophy of "gentleness in all things" is at the heart of this experience. We stand by what we do, and Dr. Oppenheimer and I are SO confident you'll be happy with your treatment. It is, after all, our number one goal. To set up your consultation for vaginal rejuvenation in Orlando, please click HERE or call (407) 707-6905.

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